Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sharp pencils and shark teeth

A new school year is upon us.
It really feels like the last day of school was only about a week ago.
It is fun to pick out new folders, fresh notebooks and sharpen pencils
with new colorful erasers. It must be exciting for the kids
to see all their school friends and meet their new teachers. I say all this so I don't feel so sad that another summer is gone.
Kassidy is officially in middle school. We gave her the option to go to a traditional middle school or stay in the charter school through 8th grade. You can see by her uniform below she chose to stay at the charter school.
You have to look closely to see Mitchell in this photo.
Somewhere between the camouflage backpack and lunchbox is our boy.

Some may notice that there are several gaps in the kids teeth.

Together they have lost 4 teeth in 3 weeks and then they just keeping growing more.

Do they really have to keep growing and changing?


WildBound said...

I love Kassidy's hair! And way cute glasses. Mitch of, course, is yummy as ever.

CowboyBob said...

You guys have such neat kids! I've worked in schools with and without uniforms . . . there is a lot to be said for them through jr. high or middle school.

This Girl said...

They are getting so big! They are good looking kids! Good luck with the chaos the next couple of days. We're all feeling it with you.

Desertbound said...

Cute glasses on Kass! Love those 3rd grade smiles. Can't believe another summer flew by so fast. The kids look great!