Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wildbound tagged us all...

1. What songs/books from your childhood are the most meaningful to you now and why?
I have always loved the rhythm and rhyme of Where the Wild Things Are. Another children's book I remember is Miss Twiggly's Tree. I loved it because the whole town was afraid of her and mocked her because she was different. But when the flood hit they loved her tree house and her hospitality.

2. If you didn’t have the constraints of family, work, and time what would you love to be doing now with your life?
Traveling with my family, writing music, writing books, and I would love to open a fun fancy bakery cafe, but only for fun and not for stress and obligation

3. Who did you have the biggest crush on in middle school/junior high - celebrity or real life?
I will echo my sister Wildbound and say "YIKES!" Boys, duh.

4. What is something you can’t seem to keep yourself from purchasing? Books, music and food

5. What, specifically, have you done in your life that you are the most proud of?
I have hiked the Grand Canyon south rim to north rim in one day... twice. People have died doing less. This, plus all the other hikes, treks, canyons, trails and floats I have done have contributed to my idea of myself and what I can accomplish.
I am rearing children who are kind and good.

I am going to tag all my blogging friends that aren't family. If you are looking for your next blogging, use this.

1 comment:

WildBound said...

I'd forgotten Miss Twiggly's Tree! I LOVE that book!