Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another 5 points

OK, so Cowboy Bob gets the points, but I think you all cheated by clicking to enlarge.
So here is the next question...
Below is pictured Brigham Young's Winter Home.
5 points to anyone who can tell me why he used green paint. It was a beautiful home.


jksfam said...

I have no idea... Just so you know, when you Google "Why did Brigham Young use green paint on his winter home, your post is the fourth in the list!

Sheri said...

I will say so they could see it in the snow?! Or maybe to break the winter doldrums?;)

The Dixon Family said...

I KNOW THIS ONE! Thanks Kass . . .

They used green b/c the wrong color was ordered for the temple and BY was so "frugle" that he didn't want the green to go to waste.

What do I win? What do I win?

Kassidy said...

Don't tell them I told you!

jksfam said...

Very interesting!

Vern said...

So tempted to guess something inappropriate here.