Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saddle Rock YW Camp "Rock Solid"

I must have one of the best jobs in our church. Seriously. Does it get any better than camp director? What a great adventure we had this year for girls' camp. I was overjoyed to be involved with Kassidy's first year at camp. What a time we had. Our first full day we all woke up very early and attempted a 14er. (mountain over 14,000 ft high) Mt Yale proved to be steep and rugged. Bless Kassidy's sweet heart, she got carsick on the way to the trailhead and was throwing up by the time we got there. She had a slow start for this hike, but hung in there. When our "turn around time" arrived we ended up with 10 girls and 2 leaders summitting. Four more made it to the saddle and all of our YW getting to almost 13,000 ft. Great girls with great attitudes. I couldn't have been more proud of all the girls and especially my daughter.
Day 2 we spent on the mighty Arkansas River with the river running at 2900 cfs. We had 10 dads, including Brandon, join us on the river for muscle because we knew going into it that the water would be fast and high. Kassidy loved the river ride until the last rapid when she took a little tumble out of the boat. She was pretty strong though and came out without too much wear and tear. I didn't see her tumble because I fell out on the 2nd to last rapid. Overall Kassidy had a great time. I am convinced that a wimpier girl would have struggled with her experiences, but she is stronger than ever.
This is our crew on the river. The water was also a whopping 45 degrees.
Here is the crew I happen to be with at the summit of Mt Yale. More made it to the top but I was heading down by then. Strong girls. They make some young men in our church look wimpy. Go GIRLS!
Here is the snow melt and the reason our river was so cold.
Beautiful days, gorgeous campground, extreme adventure.

The theme for the youth of our church this year is "Therefore I would that ye should be steadfast and immoveable, always abounding in good works". At camp this year they were steadfast, dependable, helpful, kind, fun and strong.

They moved mountains.

These Saddle Rock Young Women were "Rock Solid".


Canyonsrcool said...

Wow, that would have been a trip I would've loved. Way to go B. and B. and K.

WildBound said...

Incredible Pictures!!! Holy Buckets! Extreme Adventure is your middle name tho...after Jo...

CowboyBob said...

I have no doubt you are giving some young women memories they will cherish the rest of their lives. Way to go. Let Kassidy know I am very proud of her for not giving up when it got tough. She is a great kid.

The Dixon Family said...

Looks like fun! Wish I could've gone!

Angie said...

You guys are awesome! Wish our camp was done too! You know how much I love camping. I can't believe you got ten dads up there to raft, we are still having trouble getting two per day! I know how much work Girls Camp is, and it looks like you did a great job giving your girls an experience that they can be proud of, and that they will never forget. And way to go Kassidy!!

Sayyadina said...

Those are incredible pictures! That sounds like a girls camp experience EVERYONE could be envious of. Yay Kass!

Julie said...

Hey Bethany... it looks like you are the perfect person for Camp Director! It sounded like a great YW camp. It is fun to see what you are up to!

Sheri said...

Now why was girls camp never quite that kind of adventure when I was young?! You are awesome! Looked like my kind of trip!

Kari said...

Wow...Really I mean it...and please don't tell anyone here- or they will know just how lame their leaders are :)

Erin said...

Can I do the next fourteener with you? Seriously. We would have a blast. I might die along the way, but we would have a great time during those last moments.