Saturday, May 15, 2010

Feet Food

Mitchell was complaining that he hadn't had enough to eat today. I listed all the things he had truly eaten.
Mitch: That's feet food mom
Me: Feet food?
Mitch: Yes, I need belly food.
Me: ???
Mitch: Feet Food goes straight to your feet and you don't feel full. Belly food feeds your belly.
My boy is growing.


jksfam said...

How cute! I only seem to eat belly food since that's where it ends up...

Le Freak said...

Oh my. Now I know why you are concerned about the backpacking trip! Better put some belly food on a mule or two for that growing boy:)

Canyonsrcool said...

That's explains it!!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

He should write a young, yet so wise!

Desertbound said...

Wow. I guess I was signed in as Quincy when I commented up there...:)

CowboyBob said...

Just wait till he finds his empty leg.