Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today she is an angel

We came home to a message on our answering machine from Kassidy's English teacher. "Hello, this is Mrs. J----- from D----- Middle School. I'd just like to tell you as parents your daughter is a diligent student. It's just a pleasure and honor to have her in my class. I told her today that a student that is that diligent will surely be successful. I just want to let you know it doesn't go unnoticed what a diligent and very obedient child you have and it is going to pay her great dividends in the end. I just enjoy having her in my class."
So she uses this face at school...

And saves this for home...


Desertbound said...

HA! Yesiree!!!! Kudos to Kass and Kudos to the teacher for taking the time to make that phone call:)

Canyonsrcool said...

Hey, she knows how to work the system . . . .

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

That's awesome! She is so stinken fun!

Karen said...

Truly, Miss K is radical. Love her. I always think of what you told me: energetic and curious children make the best adults. I think of Kassidy and hold on to hope. ;)

CowboyBob said...

Does anyone else wonder how many faces we all wear? I am proud of Kassidy.

Vern said...

Good job Kassidy - you know how to work the system! It's probably also important to note that your mom is totally on to you!

Kassidy said...

So THIS is why you were listening to that message over and over and over and over...

Kassidy said...

FYI: not the face I use at school

I'm a bit more cheerful.