Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So my new friend Crystal let me tag along with her today on the fabulous trails right by our home. We hit the trail on our mountain bikes at 7:30 this morning. Going up the first hill Krystal left me in her dust and then continued to ride circles around me... literally.
It was a beautiful ride. Great terrain. Gorgeous scenery. Close to home.
And Crystal kicked my arse.
But the best part...
having red dirt caked on my tires and splattering in my face while watching the sunrise over the red cliffs. I didn't take a photo. My hands were on my grips. THE WHOLE TIME.


Kassidy Price said...

I'd rather tube (er, raft) the Grand Canyon, but still seems fun!

CowboyBob said...

Dust? Dirt? We're still under two feet of snow. Haven't seen dirt for 3 months.

Desertbound said...

I love Krystal! And I love YOU! Sure glad you girls are havin' some fun in the dirt.

Vern said...

Wow - you guys really are in your element aren't you? Happy Birthday Kassidy! We'll eat some cake in your honor.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

WOW! I am SO glad you guys are having a blast!

Kassidy Price said...

I liked what Mitchell said.

"Her bike was only dirty 'cause Krystal was blowing dust at her."

Canyonsrcool said...

Hmmm it all sounds a little familiar. Luckily the guys I go with don't care that I lag behind all the time. They get to rest more . . .