Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Wild Things

I took the kids to see "Where The Wild Things Are". I'd been counting down the days for this one. As I have heard from many others, it is one of my favorite childhood books. It is only 11 sentences long. This short tale contains many human emotions; sadness, joy, hope, fear, love and a sense of adventure. Max promises as King of the Wild Things he won't let in any sadness or loneliness. When he realizes he can't do that, that those are part of the full range of emotions and experiences, he tells the wild things, "I wish you had a mother."
So with a big sigh, here are my wild things... I can't shield them from hurt, sadness or fear. I can only hope to teach them to live in a way to avoid as much hurt as possible and then learn how to cope with it when it comes their way.


Desertbound said...

Sigh...Sniff. I miss you guys. You are teaching your WILD THINGS very well:) That's what makes you so beautiful.

Sheri said...

Your 'wild things' are lucky to have you for their mother!!

jksfam said...

What great wild things you have! Miss them, though!!!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

You are an awesome mom!

Stephanie said...

Always knew you would be a GREAT mom!!

CowboyBob said...

Parenting is tough sometimes. But it is worth all of it.