Monday, August 10, 2009

Hidden Treasure

On the top floor, thru a dim hallway, hiding in the back corner of the highly air conditioned museum, there is treasure.
We found it.
The museum of nature and science has a library.
So this is where we had to drag them away from today. (cell phone photo)But if you ever want to read a book about deep space, mysterious places, or shamanic wisdom keepers, they may have the resource for you.


Canyonsrcool said...


Sayyadina said...

That is so cool! Check out one on the bermuda triangle for me!

Desertbound said...

Perfect! Love that you got a photo:)

Karen said...

No way! That is radical. We've got to check this out.

CowboyBob said...

What a blessing to have kids interested in such treasures.

Angie said...

No way! I had no idea that existed. That is way cool, thanks for sharing. We will be there on Thursday for a last summer vacation hurrah, so we'll have to check it out. I love that you caught that moment your kids were having together. Those are the moments that melt a mom's heart, aren't they?