Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm no graphic artist, but I did manage to pen the Rockies logo onto his purple cast. Even if this cast was only on 1 week. 4 screws, 26 staples and cadaver tendons to repair and hold it together

4 weeks of bed rest (Can you even imagine?)
Today he went back to work.
"Only 5 hrs/day, light duty w/ leg elevated as much as possible",
but it is something.
Still no weight bearing for a few weeks.


DreamPacker said...

I cannot EVEN imagine what it must have been like, not only for him, but you! I have never had a broken bone of any sort. The only thing I can compare it to, is giving birth at home to a 9 1/2 lb. baby, but that was pretty much over in a day! This just goes on and on. At least there is progress being made.

CowboyBob said...

So glad to hear progress is being made. Keep it up!

Desertbound said...

Nice job on the logo! Glad he's back to a little bit of work! Yea for progress!

Doug Perry said...

Hi I am a former missionary friend of Brandon's (back in El Cajon). I sent him an e-mail through the San Diego Mission site, but am not sure it got sent. Could you have him e-mail me at:

Thanks--would love to catch up with him.


Doug Perry

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

You are an artist! Hidden talent I see!