Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Turn

Tagged by Two - my sister and my beautiful cousin Sheri.
1. What's his name ? Brandon
2. How long have you been married? 14 years, 4 months, 2 days
3. How long did you date? From first date to wedding was 4 months - Sure glad that impulsiveness is working out.
4. Who eats more sweets? I do by far. Except for his occasional ice cream, he is not big into desserts or treats.
5. Who said I love you first? Neither one of us can remember who said the big L word first.
6. Who is taller? He is by 6 inches.
7. Who can sing better? Well, I am willing to sing in public, but he is better at remembering lyrics than I am. He has a gift.
8. Who is smarter? We are both smart enough. Combine our genes and we ended up with children who are smarter than both of us.
9. Who does the laundry? I do most of the time, but he helps. The problem lately is how hard it is to carry laundry while on crutches. It is pointless to carry one sock at a time back and forth till the laundry is done, so for now, it is all me.
10. Who pays the bills? I do, but he does our taxes.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of bed? I am on his right, he is on my left. He is a leftie so everything works better this way. :)
12. Who cooks dinner? Me
13. Who drives? In my car, I drive. In his truck, he drives. Most of the time anyway, there is always room for exceptions.
14. Who is more stubborn? I think I am. He is also quicker to forgive.
15. Who kissed who first? I had to ask Brandon on this one as well. His reply, "Don't you kiss each other first?"
16. Who asked who out first? He asked me out first. That date was a doozy!
I invited him to my softball game for our second date.
17. Who proposed? Brandon proposed to me.
18. Who wears the pants? Brandon does, cause I allow him to. :)

I tag Kari, Angie, Michelle, Wendy and Lara E.


Desertbound said...

Come to think of it, you do kiss each other first. And yes, that first date story of yours is a doozy! I giggle just thinking about it:)

jksfam said...

Now I want to hear about the doozy!

Angie said...

Me too! Oh, and I'll get around to that list...gee, thanks for the tag! ;)

Nicoletta said...

I didn't know Brandon was a lefty. So am I...

Karen said...

You are so nice to "allow" him to wear the pants. ;) You've got me all up and curious about your first date too now! I feel a story coming on next time we chat...

CowboyBob said...

Interesting picture. Enjoyed it. And I've heard the doozy story. It's worth repeating.